Time to get ready! Here's a challenge for you!
Visit Codeforces: https://codeforces.com/gym/105307
1. Card Dealer Game
2. Emma and the Pixie dust
3. Chopsticks
4. Animal Circus
5. Hidden Project
6. Portal Maintenance
7. Ki Chang Jab Takkataen
8. Final Quiz
9. Lulu And The Magical Array
10. Rook Placement
11. A Potion Shopping On This Wonderful World!
Visit Codeforces: https://codeforces.com/gym/105335
1. Auntie's Magical Cake
2. Back in the Day
3. Cattering
4. Disinfection Patch
5. Executive's Holidays
6. Fill T
7. Glory Road
8. Heavenly Sequence
9. Ideal Permutation Pairing
10. Jewel Collection
11. Kid Rally
12. Lulu and Friends
13. Marriage Proposals
14. [N]ew YoRHa Security